Michael Pratt
Michael Pratt
What version of Kafka are you running?
@abhishekvaid Are you using the latest from master?
Thanks for the update @doug2525 , glad to hear it's working. Definitely sounds like a particular message was the culprit, we'll see if there's any additional logging or protection we...
Hi @thammuio , would it be possible to get a sample XML message that is in your topic and not viewable? We only use JSON internally so have not run...
This is a known issue and the fix can be found on this branch: https://github.com/HomeAdvisor/Kafdrop/tree/json_topic_fix We have a story internally to fix this and will push up to master once...
Kafdrop is still using Kafka 0.8, so it still has no way to discover the new non-ZK based consumer types. We hope to upgrade to Kafka 0.10 later this year,...
Hi @thammuio, we've had some other higher priority tasks the past few months, but we're still hoping to do our Kafka upgrade this year.