Hey @akocbek, thanks for reporting the issue. We are aware and there is another issue that raised this problem a while back: https://github.com/IBM-Cloud/terraform-provider-ibm/issues/4719 I suggest you comment in there to...
Can't really give you a feasible ETA, sorry. I will update the issue https://github.com/IBM-Cloud/terraform-provider-ibm/issues/4719 when I have more information, as soon as I have any.
Thanks for reporting this @l2fprod. I'll bring this up in the team and discuss potential approaches. Regards, Michael
I'll bring this topic up again internally. Thanks for the reminder.
Thanks for the message. There is actually a simple explanation why jobs don't cause the same issue. They don't receive "default" environment variables during creation, which is why it doesn't...
Hello @nthomsencph, we are currently working on a guide to work around this issue. There is no easy technical solution we can implement right now, but you can avoid this...
Hello @marifse, you can use the `ibm_code_engine_secret` resource for that. Here is an example of how to set it up: ```hcl resource "ibm_code_engine_secret" "code_engine_registry_access_secret" { project_id = ibm_code_engine_project.code_engine_project_instance.project_id name =...
Hello @marifse, sorry for the late response. Unfortunately we don't support to run image builds via Terraform at the moment. But as I mentioned in your other issue, there is...
Hey @bobfang, I'll try to get a fix in as soon as I can. Unfortunately it might be a while until it is in. In case I find a workaround,...
Hello @marifse, thank you for reaching out. I will bring that up internally and discuss, though I can't make any promises if and when we can provide a submit capability...