Michele Ferretti
Michele Ferretti
**Describe the bug** Kepler fails to load an hexbin map widget with error: `deck: error during initialisation of EnhancedColumnLayer({id: 'lifibkk-hexagon-cell'}) TypeError: Class constructor o cannot be invoked without 'new'` **To...
Hello, I love using vim-pandoc, but it overrides the [pencil](https://github.com/reedes/vim-colors-pencil) color scheme. Here's plain `pencil`: Here's with `vim-pandoc` and `vim-pandoc-syntax` installed: Even when not using `vim-pandoc-syntax` I can't get the...
Hi, I have a similar question to #161 After toggling a [Table of Content,](https://github.com/plasticboy/vim-markdown#enable-toc-window-auto-fit) vim redraws the text area borders with a darker shade than the background, thus making them...