Micah Smith

Results 45 issues of Micah Smith

When executing notebooks programmatically using papermill/nbconvert, ipynbname fails with an `IndexError`. I've attached a reproducible example. [Archive.zip](https://github.com/msm1089/ipynbname/files/6176374/Archive.zip) ``` pipenv sync pipenv run python -m ipykernell install --name=ipynbname pipenv run papermill...

Recently, the `--pyi_out` flag was added to protoc, which is really great. I have a project where protos are compiled using bazel/py_proto_library. From everything that I have seen, there is...


* Orion version: 0.1.5 * Python version: 3.7.7 * Operating System: macOS 11.2.1 ### Description When creating an instance of the Orion class in an interactive session, the string representation...


Hello, I spent a fair amount of time reading through the code of jsonmodels to understand how it worked. It employs a fair amount of interesting python constructs, like `__get__`...

* MLBlocks version: 0.4 * Python version: 3.8 ### Description I'm trying to get metadata from an `MLPipeline` object that was present in the JSON pipeline annotation that was loaded....

That's it :)

internal improvement
backwards incompatible

Create the following documentation pages: - getting started: intro - getting started: installation - getting started: rename basic usage -> quickstart, add a bit on hyperparameters - advanced usage: basic...

help wanted

The [Matern 5/2 kernel](https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels.Matern.html#sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels.Matern) was proposed in [1] as a good choice of GP kernel due to several advantageous properties. I propose to implement a `GPMatern52EiTuner` within btb that uses...

The tuner provides a high-level propose/add API, in which it maintains an internal state of parameters that have been tried and the associated score, and updates its state in response...

[Scikit-learn v0.20.0 ](http://scikit-learn.org/stable/whats_new.html#version-0-20) was just released and includes the ColumnTransformer, which is much related to the DataFrameMapper. It might be helpful for people who come to the sklearn-pandas project to...