Results 76 issues of Micah Lee

I got feedback about the 'Encrypting, Decrypting, and Signatures' subsection in the '"Pretty Good Privacy" (PGP) Email Encryption' section. > In the email example on pp.18-20, the discussion would be...

The Workflow section, at the bottom of the Tails section, briefly mentions making anonymous Jabber and email accounts. I think this should be fleshed out more because it's actually much...

I got more feedback: > With respect to your audience, which includes journalists and potential whistle-blowers as well as experienced computer users and people already concerned with electronic privacy, you...

## Status Ready for review ## Description of Changes Fixes #759. This was simpler than I first expected it to be. As discussed in #759, I skipped testing `qubes.USBAttach`, `qubes.USB`,...

good first issue

## Status Ready for review ## Description of Changes Fixes #1022. This replaces flake8, bandit, black, and isort with ruff! Many of the things that ruff flagged were `assert` statements...

good first issue

This containerizes Hush Line. Follow the new `` instructions to try it out: The dev instructions are now the same for all platforms since it's all just running in...