Same issue here. No luck with it animating aside from using the default toast and not the custom one.
Unsure what you are asking. Could you please elaborate?
@tanu8een What does your stripe.js file look like? It is passing the data correctly to the redirectToCheckout function?
@Pannu786 is it only happening when you click the Buy Now button in the banner or any product on the home page?
It's more than likely an issue with the product slug that the banner points too. Either the product doesn't exist in Sanity or there is no image published for the...
@pradapdp7 The error you are getting appears to be stemming from the Product.jsx file within the components folder, not the [slug].js file. What does your Product.jsx look like?
@TheCodePoetChick I was having this same issue and started messing around with the StateContext.js and found that adding the product.quantity and quantity together should have actually been the item.quantity and...
> can you explain why that else part run code correctly? Because it has to return the item into updatedCartItems when the item being added doesn’t already exist in the...