
Results 5 issues of miaaad

when i close my activity , download is paused . can help me plz 2 question : and i want click on notification then going to download page , 3...

progress not working any way in recyclerview adapter ? what must i do !! help me plz


app:drawable_hide="@drawable/eye" idont how make this work , for rtl language when i writing on edit text is a right of edit text and want icon left on edit text show...

با توجه به نداشتن این قابلیت اگر ممکنه این بخش رو هم اضافه کنید که توی کتابخانه اصلی این قابلیت در اصل هست اما اینجا همچین فانکشنی نیست [TimePickerDialog] setMinTime(Timepoint...