Martinus Werts
Martinus Werts
I was not aware of this subtlety, the distinction between a boundary condition and a constraint. In the recipe we give our students for using FiPy (mainly for diffusion/advection/reaction systems),...
Many thanks! Your notebook is very insightful for understanding BCs and constraints and how these work internally. I'll follow your advice and will continue using constraints for implementing boundary conditions....
It would indeed be nice and helpful to have transparent PowerShell support for mamba and miniforge. The current miniforge3 installer for Windows only creates a 'CMD'-type prompt in the menu,...
> it might be worthwhile to redo this repro with a miniforge installer. It probably won't make a difference, I guess, but will help avoid procedural issues getting in the...
I do not know the Tinspire system that you are referring to, but I understand that it is a version of Python embedded in a Texas Instruments pocket calculator. This...
Replacing the inefficient "double minimization" that I employed in #6 with a "simple" constraint upon the concentration of one of the species in the general minimization is a brilliant idea....
I very much like the new nomenclature for `AcidAq` and `IonAq`. `SystemAirEquilibrated` seems a decent choice, although I anticipate that this class may become obsolete prematurely, with the arrival of...