Mischa Holz
Mischa Holz
I recently set up my test instance again and sadly it's still a problem for mentions. If the server would parse @username@🌈🌈🌈.st as a correct mention I think it should...
I added a test for my specific case. Are there any other tests you'd like me to add? :)
Auto completion on the client side already inserts `@test@🌈🌈🌈.st` correctly, which is why this issue came up in the first place (the server will currently treat this as a mention...
@ClearlyClaire I just pushed the changes to `app/javascript/mastodon/features/compose/util/counter.js`. I basically did the same thing I did in the ruby backend: Replace the domain part of the mention with twitter-text's valid...
I fixed the linting issues. Still want to get this merged, please let me know if there's anything else I should do :)
@renchap @ClearlyClaire I still would like to get this merged. I updated the fork again, is there anything else you need to me to change?