Michael Le
Michael Le
Hi @jasongin, I've been testing out the UWP bluetooth API and saw some undocumented behaviour that I thought I'd share in case it can help. I noticed that calling disconnect...
Hi Nadav, I'm experiencing a similiar issue when trying to retrieve property values from a DeviceInformation class, sample code: ``` var Enumeration = require("Windows.Devices.Enumeration"), Bluetooth = require("Windows.Devices.Bluetooth"), GenericAttributeProfile = require("Windows.Devices.Bluetooth.GenericAttributeProfile"),...
Thanks Nadav, The iterator.current.value in this case should be a boolean, as used below (taken from the BLE sample on MSDN https://code.msdn.microsoft.com/windowsapps/Bluetooth-Generic-5a99ef95) ``` pnp.PnpObject.createFromIdAsync(pnp.PnpObjectType.deviceContainer, deviceContainerId, ["System.Devices.Connected"]).done( function (deviceObject) { var...
Thanks for that, I've upgraded windows.foundation to v0.1.7. After: ``` iterator.current.value.proto = Foundation.IPropertyValue.prototype; var isConnected = iterator.current.value.getBoolean(); ``` I keep getting "TypeError: Object # < OpaqueWrapper > has no method...
thank you! that did the trick :)
I'm having a similar issue, error on save when I have multiple components that have unique constraint on a text field, even though the values are unique have not been...
having the same problem. @chilzyj did you find a solution to this?