its becouse you sleep in hiberinate mode 25 when all power disconected from devices
try hiberinatemode 25, check readme
> DarkWake from Normal Sleep [CDN] : due to IGBE/Network Using BATT is in my logs try disable wake from lan in bios
> > > As I said, the behavior changes with OS’s and driver updates. miniDP to HDMI connection has worked since day one; with the latest updates, as you reported,...
> > > > > As I said, the behavior changes with OS’s and driver updates. miniDP to HDMI connection has worked since day one; with the latest updates, as...
I dont shure but maybe solution can be related wit EDID profile https://github.com/tylernguyen/x1c6-hackintosh/issues/60
>@junaedahmed Do you use BATX on your efi ? can you update your efi folder please if you use