Results 9 issues of Moe Far

This package does not support Persian characters, right?

Hi guys First of all, thanks for this awesome package I need to show carousel full-screen, that means carousel set height automatically by size of client monitor, how I do...

Hi guys I have a problem with calling callbacks in this package, if I write controller full qualified name in the `respond` method, my controller's action will be called statically,...

Hi guys I want to send push to my app using this package, how can I do this? Push response syas, `{"code":115,"error":"Missing the push channels."}` I want to send push...

I did all the steps but I got this: `Uncaught ReferenceError: MorphingModal is not defined`

Hi guys I need to know about DI in instantiating controller object, how could we handle it via this package?


Hi guys Is there any event listener about blur or change action in input?

Hi Is there any support for importing a font?

Hi Thanks for this package, but how can I access to `uwsgi.conf` file? I'm using `NginX` + `uwsgi` + `django`