Denis Erfurt

Results 51 comments of Denis Erfurt

I'm late to the party but in case its still relevant: also stumbled about this problem and could dig a little deeper (on android): because in the the ReactNative app...

I'm currently working on this. Unfortunately there won't be a quick solution soon since we have to solve #290 and #312 before. However, we have a wip working solution for...

hmm, why do you think this is needed as a dapple feature? you can always load the `build/classes.json` file into a custom js file and write your own deployment with...

This is an excerpt of a `build/test.js` test project: ``` var Web3 = require('web3'); var classes = require('./classes.json'); var Pudding = require("ether-pudding"); var web3 = new Web3(); Pudding.setWeb3(web3); web3.setProvider(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider("http://localhost:8545"));...

The magic of dapplescript is happening [here]( and is used [here]( I can come up with accessors for for those so writing js scripts will be easier. Also I abandoned...

Logging gents only activated for the test cases, not set up! This is because setUp and test cases are done in two separate "transactions" and logging is implemented in a...

To specify: I was thinking of ma mix between GDB (GNU Debugger) and tools like OllyDbg. Maybe IDA Pro is also worth to take a look at.

This would also address nikolais `throw("explain the reason")` task. Also similar to the logger `//@break` breakpoints could be inserted which dumps the current memory and stack to stdout

Ganular and finetuned gas usage testing. Maybe with something like this: We can hook directly in the vm to analyze the gas through logs by catching events. On Interface level...

Also lets have a closer look on this: