Michael Heyman

Results 9 comments of Michael Heyman

In case anybody cares, the "performance" branch has multiple unrolled options and some timing code. So far, I cannot get reasonable timings on my development system (running in a VM)...

You know, I coded very early on the Hololens and didn't think to try this library on it... The issue is with trying to be fancy in assuring memory gets...

I don't think it is an ARM vs Intel issue because P/Invoke works on both (according to interwebs and my initial fiddling). And, I've found contradictory documentation about calling these...

Hope you got your answer before this because it has been a while since you asked, but... There is an extension method [`DecodeString()`](https://github.com/mheyman/Isopoh.Cryptography.Argon2/blob/2e58e0da58bf54454caa45732300a78b5c268be6/Isopoh.Cryptography.Argon2/DecodeExtension.cs#L57) on `Argon2Config` so you should be able...

VGG seems to be misplaced again and I cannot locate it...

I agree that it is strange. Especially since the error occurs deep in stl and I've run with MSVC's stl debugging that should find the problem. I ripped out a...

Been too busy until this morning. Just reproduced the same behavior on a clean vcpkg, brand new CMake project with your source. The MSVC command line: ``` cl.exe /TP -DFMT_LOCALE...

This regex seems more robust: `^(?# name)(.*?)(?:-|_|\.)(?=\d)(?# version)((?:(?:\d+)\.)*\d+(?:-(?:[0-9A-Za-z-]+(?:\.[0-9A-Za-z-]+)*))?(?:\+[0-9A-Za-z-]+)?)\.(?# extension)([^.]+)$` I plugged in a semantic-versioning-aware regex in the middle.

If `GC.collect()` keeps memory usage from climbing, than there is no leak. You are just calling verify faster than the garbage collector cleans it up. In a high load environment...