Michael Hedenus

Results 18 comments of Michael Hedenus

Sorry, I have only this use case. Given Turtle is a subset of TriG and Turtle parser passes but TriG parser fails then this must be a bug. Also see...


public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception { String source = """ @prefix : . :G {:s :p :o {| :r :z |} } """; Model model2 = Rio.parse(new...

Hello, i just tried it out with: org.eclipse.rdf4j rdf4j-bom 4.0.1 pom import Still fails: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException: statement may not be null at java.base/java.util.Objects.requireNonNull(Objects.java:233) at org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.util.Values.triple(Values.java:728) at org.eclipse.rdf4j.rio.turtle.TurtleParser.parseAnnotation(TurtleParser.java:1407)...

Hello, I'd like to pick up this topic and discuss a specific question: How can you distinguish a property from a relation ? In RDF that is not possible, because...

Sure, I know all that, and I am familiar with RDF*. I completely understand why RDF is designed like it is. The question is not so technical, it is more...

Maybe I should clairfy what it is all about. I am a advocate of RDF since I learned about it 20 years ago (I do programming since 1988 and Java...

RDF is talking about resources. Everthing that can be identified with an URI is a resource. An email-address is a resource. If you use an email-address to _denote_ a person...

Yes, this URI collision is not nice, and should be avoided. This example should demonstrate what I think to be the stumble when you try to implement property graph in...

Dear @dbooth-boston and @namedgraph, the discussion is going into the wrong direction. I never intended to knock anybody or to start a fruitless disucssion about what is better. When I...