What exactly are you doing? Why is nobody having this error?
This is not an OpenCart bug, but it's an macOS file manager issue, hence it should be reported to Also, be aware that the Safari web browser has quite...
Without further details nobody will be able to reproduce your error. SEO Urls work just fine.
Yes, we are getting the same error on some of our sites (I backported the ECB code to OC 3.0.x.x as an event handler). Instead of returning an XML response...
I am glad to hear yours is working again. However, I am re-opening the issue, for Daniel to take a look at it, because it can happen again anytime. The...
I can confirm this error still exists for the newly released OC Just tested it, using the 'Cash on Delivery' payment method.
@danielkerr : This needs to be fixed though!
I think it may make more sense to put your check, e.g. ``` if (isset($this->request->get('limit') && (int)$this->request->get('limit')==0) { $this->request->get('limit') = 10; } ``` somewhere in the startup sequence, or in...
I can confirm that this error still exists in the newly released OC It should trigger a click event for the element 'a[href=\'#tab-review\']' but it doesn't.
@danielkerr : I am not sure how this will address the issue of multiple 3rd party extensions wanting to modify a library class. Yes, many library classes are singletons, and...