Mark Hayes
Mark Hayes
I just updated the `index.html` page in this project to use jQuery 1.8.0 and couldn't reproduce this issue. Can you send me a link to your site? Thanks!
@rafibomb can we tag the current release as `v1.0.0` here: Thanks!
Hey @ZeFish thanks for taking time to open an issue. I haven't seen this behavior in the examples I've coded up so would you mind providing more specific code to...
This is very helpful @ZeFish, I see the issue now. Your proposed solution to set a `max-width` of the `container` makes sense in this case. However I'm a little confused...
Hey @leecollings I see the issue. Seems like both Owl and TwentyTwenty make use of the window resize event. It appears that Owl updates the width of the carousel container...
If I'm not mistaken I don't think it's necessary to re-initialize TwentyTwenty. You could rewrite the code as follows: ``` // load TwentyTwenty after the page has loaded $(window).load(function(){ $(".twentytwenty").twentytwenty();...