Marc Hassan

Results 24 issues of Marc Hassan

### Self-service - [X] I'd be willing to implement a fix ### Describe the bug `parse-path@4` is vulnerable to [Authorization Bypass](, and `@yarnpkg/plugin-git` has a [transitive dependency]( on it, via...


This PR adds support for `graphql@16`. This should be part of a semver major release. Resolves

## Versions - NodeJS: 14.15.1 - mongodb-memory-server-*: 6.9.3 - mongodb: 4.4.1 - mongoose: 5.11.15 - system: MacOS package: mongodb-memory-server ## What is your question? In the `postinstall` script in `mongodb-memory-server`,...


## Which problem is this PR solving? This PR changes the behavior of instrumentation plugins to create a single `require` patch, instead of one per plugin. This should be a...

### What version of OpenTelemetry are you using? `@opentelemetry/api@^1.1.0` ### What version of Node are you using? `v16.14.2` ### Please provide the code you used to setup the OpenTelemetry SDK...


**Describe the bug** We are running APM in our application and seeing a sawtooth pattern in RSS and heap that looks like this: When we disable APM, we do not...


I could be misunderstanding the `disableRequestAcsUrl` feature, or I could be testing it wrong, but it seems like it does not work as advertised. Here is my server file: ```...

**Describe the bug** The README says: > The resulting openapiSpecification will be a swagger tools-compatible (and validated) specification. I may be misunderstanding what this means, but it doesn't seem like...


`update-notifier@5` has a transitive dependency on `got@9`, which has an open vulnerability that will not be backported. See One potential solution: replace `update-notifier` with `simple-update-notifier` (`nodemon` has done that:...

Thanks for the awesome plugins! This is a feature request for the `changed` plugin for ignoring certain workspaces so that changes to any of those workspaces doesn't trigger any dependent...
