{ "roles": [ "string" ], "user": { "contactNumber": "string", "email": "[email protected]", "firstName": "string", "lastName": "string", "password": "string", "userId": "string", "userStatus": "string", **"profile": "string",** "userType": "string" } }
Old service CC API functions should provide a warning/error to notify use to use newer Resource API functions for appropriate versions of CVP.
====================================================================== FAIL: test_api_change_control_start_invalid_tasks (__main__.TestCvpClientCC) Verify test_api_change_control_start_invalid_tasks ---------------------------------------------------------------------- cvprac.cvp_client_errors.CvpRequestError: POST: https://:443/api/resources/changecontrol/v1/ChangeControlConfig : Request Error: Not Found - {"code":5,"message":"change control with ID \"InvalidCVPRACSystestCCID\" does not exist"} During handling of the above exception,...
For validating the CVP environment that system tests will be run against is in a good state before running tests.
Prevent the system tests from selecting a static configlet (For Example: SYS_TelemetryBuilderV4_...) as the test configlet.
Details from Tamas: where I apply an image to a device but I had to use a new function, which is a copy of apply_image_to_element() but without creating addTempAction In...
Sphinx config based/readthedocs page