Manuel Iglesias Abbatemarco
Manuel Iglesias Abbatemarco
Hello Alex, I found your code, would you please allow me a couple of questions: 1. Can I use this UART Stream AXI to connect with an AXI DMA? The...
Hi @miguelgrinberg , I was using gridjs in my application with some success and then I saw your react-flask blog, I was giving it a try but I found the...
Hi @miguelgrinberg , Is there a way to have a drop down withing a gridjs table? Any example available. Will aprpeciate your comments, Thanks,
HI @lushaylabs , I am testing the uart example on the Tang Nano 9K , when I program the devices all led goes oOn but using terminal serial port does...
Hello, I have found a case where this tool partially fail, it was reported while working on [this]( When loading an application that uses rpmsg_lite for some reason the M4...
I understand the EVB board switch "HW_TRIG" makes possible to boot the WIZ750SR in AT Mode or GW mode, is this correct? I have updated to v 1.2.4 and it...
Hi, I was able to port the C code to an Arm Cortex M0. The device does not have a Memory Protection Unit, I was trying to understand the implications...