Manuel Iglesias Abbatemarco
Manuel Iglesias Abbatemarco
Hi, Same here, ``` Archive: db/ inflating: db/7501/digital_inputs.SchDoc inflating: db/7501/digital_outputs.SchDoc inflating: db/7501/PCB1.PcbDoc inflating: db/7501/plc_base.SchDoc Loading digital_inputs.SchDoc Loading digital_outputs.SchDoc Loading plc_base.SchDoc Loading PCB1.PcbDoc Done. Handling digital_inputs-SchDoc/Root Entry/FileHeader.dat WARNING: Port orientation may...
Hi Nikolay, After studying more the code it's more clear how it works, still I have some doubts, Under raspberry hal, move method, I would like to understand better this...
Hi Alexander, Thank you for your quick response, Actually, I have parse the log file in JSON using something like the following in the formatters section of a dictConfig `"json":...
Hello @Fleker Thanks for your response, I am trying to work with RS-485 using two wires, I have to disable the driver as soon as the last bit is transferred,...
Well, the closer the better,. The problem is that 10ms might be too much for high baud rate. Actually a normal baud rate of 19200 means several bits in a...
That would be part of the communication protocol. The problem is rather at the physical layer, for RS-485 when having only two wires, the channel is half duplex, is suppose...
Hi @Fleker , Would it be possible to have an upcoming release of AT that makes a UART.write blocking? Or what I am trying to do might just be not...
Four wires would be good since it's like full duplex, the problem is that most industrial RS-485, specially modbus devices are wired in the field using two wire scheme. Basically...
Hi @harshhhdev , thanks for your quick response, In fact I think I handle to install it but I am not 100% sure if I did the correct way or...
Hi @harshhhdev , Sorry, I did not follow you entirely, I understand now that if I run `yarn add kmenu` I should do it under examples folder , then `yarn...