You may give a look at Docs here:
Can you paste here the content of these files: tool_conf.xml, your_docker_tool.xml, job_conf.xml ?
> My guess it's that it's a mismatch in user id. The Node user id is 1000. You could make the folder writable to all `cmod a+r` to address this....
Hi, Same here, I have installed Prettier and the Pug plugin as DevDeps. `"@prettier/plugin-pug": "^3.0.0"` `"prettier": "^3.2.5"` When trying to indent, I get same suggestion window from VSCode for Jade...
Hi, Same here :-/ We just added new features to our addon [Click&Read](, and the `Options.js` jumps from 3MB to 4.99MB. `Error: This file is not binary and is too...
OK, if I am right?, according to Firefox Doc, we can submit our raw code base, as is in our git repository (not builded nor minified, but with building instructions...
> @mhabsaoui > > "When you **upload your extension** to AMO, you will need to **provide your source code** and instructions for building that source code." This means you need...
After some digging and assets folder refactoring, the Prod mode does its job and the output `options.js` file is back to normal size (1,3 MB). Don't know for sure if...
Hi, The error you get _java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/xml/bind/JAXBException_ is related to the absence of JAXB module removed by Oracle from JDK starting at version 9 ... So try adding the following...