> Are there any updates regarding this bug ? Hello, I have been also trying to support dynamic size for u2net model but apple doesn't reply me. Did you solve...
Here is completed code. ```python import torch import os from PIL import Image from torchvision import transforms import coremltools as ct from coremltools.proto import FeatureTypes_pb2 as ft from model import...
Any update?
@john-rocky Do you have any converted Inpainting mlmodel? Can you convert this model?
Hello @pboudoin, Thanks for your many models. Do you have any model for inpainting?
@pboudoin Is it possible to convert this model.
> Just created a fully working demo: > Enjoy. Thanks for your demo! It was helpful for me. However it works for only square image and doesn't support for...
@john-rocky Do you have any converted Inpainting mlmodel? Can you convert this model?
@Sanster Do you have converted regular lama model?
Hi @john-rocky Thanks for your great U2net model. I want to downgrade weight for quick prediction speed. ` out = quantize_weights(model, nbits=8) spec = out.get_spec()` I used above code to...