Mykola Grybyk

Results 12 issues of Mykola Grybyk

### Description I'd like to be able to run Futures in IDE's debug console while app is paused in debugger. ### Reproduce ``` const Future = require('fibers/future') const task =...

Example ``` [ { "method": "get", "ip": "", "page": "" }, { "method": "get", "ip": "", "page": "" }, { "method": "get", "ip": "", "page": "" } ] ```

Replace callback hell with async functions in `install-utils.js`

pr welcome
Good First Pick

help wanted

Let's make sure the matcher was called with supported parameters, fail fast otherwise. There should be no need in [`console.error`]( usage.

help wanted
good first issue

### Describe the bug. Emulation of golmar 13.56MHz tag that supports anti-copy encryption AES-128 doesn't work correctly. ### Reproduction 1. Read [golmar]( key 2. Emulate it **Actual Result** the door...


### Describe the bug I see error in VSCode in `main.ts` file. > The inferred type of 'createApp' cannot be named without a reference to '../node_modules/vite-ssg/dist/shared/vite-ssg.8870dace'. This is likely not...

help wanted

Hello, Do you consider adding `git` to images? Thanks a lot for your great work and maintaining the project!

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** I'd like to be able to mock WebSocket communication in a similar way it's done for HTTP **Describe the solution...

help wanted

**Regression in `@actions/http-client` `2.2.0` since `2.1.1`: Bundle size increase by 820kB** In my case it increased from 320kB to 1130kB. `@actions/http-client` is a dependency of `@actions/core`. Since changes in `@actions/http-client`...
