Mira Grudzinska
Mira Grudzinska
when multiple instances of trim path with offset are applied an issue is visible current (**assuming #2690 is solved**): expected: sample: [trim_split.json](https://github.com/user-attachments/files/16770574/trim_split.json)
code responsible for this issue: LottieGroup::prepare() l.355 sample: [order.json](https://github.com/user-attachments/files/16770772/order.json) current: expected:
The bug caused the trim path to not be applied when it appeared in a group between different shapes. before: after: sample: [trim.json](https://github.com/user-attachments/files/16770152/trim.json)
still needs some changes, but works - contains #2549 - needs to be rebased - do not store rotation3D from RotationEx 9691.json main: this pr:
For the wg engine the marked image has more muted colors.
In [this sample](https://github.com/user-attachments/files/16565094/outerRoundnessPolygon.json) the result is incorrect for a triangle with an outer roundness of 100%. result: expected:
sample: ``` auto shape1 = tvg::Shape::gen(); shape1->appendCircle(245, 225, 50, 120); shape1->appendCircle(245, 565, 50, 120); shape1->fill(0, 50, 155, 100); shape1->strokeFill(0, 0, 255); shape1->strokeJoin(tvg::StrokeJoin::Round); shape1->strokeCap(tvg::StrokeCap::Round); shape1->strokeWidth(12); shape1->strokeTrim(0.0f, 0.75f, false); canvas->push(std::move(shape1)); ```
@Issue: https://github.com/thorvg/thorvg/issues/2860
https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG2/pservers.html#RadialGradientElementFXAttribute ``` ``` expected (SW): current (WG, GL):