Mira Grudzinska
Mira Grudzinska
in an svg file the default value of the `preserveAspectRatio` attribute is `xMidYMid meet` TVG supports only `none` value for this attrib. Anything else is interpreted as the default value,...
the svg sample looks differently in some svg viewers. it has to be checked (in svg specs) whether the result from tvg are the correct ones. https://github.com/Samsung/thorvg/pull/1184#pullrequestreview-886748252 ``` ```
in the example below there are 2 issues: - skewing: for `PROBLEM1 != 0` and `PROBLEM2 == 0` the `_compFastTrack` returns `true`, which is not the case (for `PROBLEM1 ==...
it's a draft, since in `src/lib/sw_engine/tvgSwRaster.cpp` the changes are made only for testing purposes. I want to use function pointers, but not to each raster function, rather only to the...
THORVG_SIMD_SUPPORT will be used in the near future to choose the proper raster functions. issue #29
current result:  expected:
The clipPathUnits can have one of two possible values: userSpaceOnUse (the defalut one) and objectBoundingBox. before:  after:  examples: [clipEX.zip](https://github.com/Samsung/thorvg/files/7461444/clipEX.zip)
building on windows fails, since by default thorvg is build as a shared_library and executable svg2tvg tries to link the static lib
@fire mentioned the file in issue #820 : https://github.com/V-Sekai/godot-hop-dance/blob/main/hop_spin_dance/uiux/mockups/mockups_with_raster/VRM%20Viewer%20Screen%20Animate.svg
stroke=0.05 ``` ``` thorvg:  w3schoool:  the same image for stoke=0.1 thorvg:  w3school: