Mikhail Grushinskiy

Results 110 comments of Mikhail Grushinskiy

Looks like dps310 pressure sensor is quite promising for it. Here is demo: https://twitter.com/kogakudanshi/status/1538601537483972610?lang=en

If pressure sensor is in a box with a small hole inside the boat amidship away from airflow? I doubt it an issue. Noise of second integral of accelerometer will...

And another env sensor Lightning Detector - AS3935 I'm sure you will be reluctant to add it on your hat. I have standalone version https://www.amazon.com/AcuRite-02020-Portable-Lightning-Detector/dp/B00EO1H3X8 and it works fine. But...

For wave height with DPS310 sensor this code works very nice: https://github.com/bareboat-necessities/RaspberryPi_DPS/blob/master/Examples/TempPressValues_310.py

> I don't believe it will predict the higher "rogue" (rollover) waves that are so dangerous to smaller boats. That's not the point. At least it gives some sea state...

yes, calculating it from IMU would be interesting next step Found this paper: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4179067/ And here with code: https://github.com/juangallostra/AltitudeEstimation and article in English for it: https://github.com/KlemenDEV/AltitudeEstimation/blob/27c9eec3b76d7d1495ea3059987da062f4768e40/TwoStepFilter.pdf

juangallostra/AltitudeEstimation code seems more suitable for pedestrians walking stairs. also it has Zero Velocity Update (ZUPT) which I think might not be applicable to a boat. In case of sea...

Actually after reading more in the subject, wave surface is actually the surface of equal pressure. So basically barometer is useless for measuring wave height. It will pick up only...

I've started working on some code for wave height estimation from IMU. (Unfinished) I'm basing it on https://github.com/juangallostra/AltitudeEstimation/tree/master/extras I threw out complimentary pressure sensor fusion as it is useless due...

Found better method. not using pressure. accounts for zero average displacement by including third integral into Kalman filter. specifically designed for waves. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mehdi-Hendijanizadeh/publication/264713649_A_Novel_Kalman_Filter_Based_Technique_for_Calculating_the_Time_History_of_Vertical_Displacement_of_a_Boat_from_Measured_Acceleration/links/53ec88db0cf24f241f1584c5/A-Novel-Kalman-Filter-Based-Technique-for-Calculating-the-Time-History-of-Vertical-Displacement-of-a-Boat-from-Measured-Acceleration.pdf?origin=publication_detail