I'm a complete newbie with this app: trying also to implement the ability to navigate from the map back to a story section. I created an attribute in my webmap...
Thank you! Yes, I have previously downloaded the application sourcecode, deployed it on a webserver, and obtained the application ID. I built the initial story map using the builder, but...
Yes, the webmap is displaying in the main panel, and I can see the layers, and click on the features to see the popups I have configured. Previously, I didn’t...
Seems like we may be close! This is what my index.html file looks like, but still no good! --- ``` require(["dojo/topic"], function(topic) { /* * Custom Javascript to be executed...
well, I seem to have gotten past this sticking point, and identified the layer_id. However, now the application is still throwing errors when I try to click on a point...
yes, the first error message about the script occurs immediately upon clicking a point on the layer. It pops up on screen, not in the console. I understand w/o it...
ok, yes, that stops it from freezing. I did make sure to click a point that has an associated section, but it doesn't do anything. this appears to be the...
ah yes, that makes sense! i had objectid as not visible in the featurelayer, and the popup... I used a different field called MANAME, which is the name of the...
so, in the code i see layer.on("mouse-over", function(e){ map.setMapCursor("pointer"); map.infoWindow.setContent(""",")[0]+"Click to zoom");; the cursor DOES change to a pointer, but when mousing over a point, I don't get the...
ok, I do have a javascript person here who might be able to help w/ the fine tuning, but to be clear, if I made OBJECTID visible in the webmap...