Max Goltzsche

Results 34 comments of Max Goltzsche

@ariansvirsky actually please try using the `mgoltzsche/podman:3.4.2-minimal` image. Since it [does not create a user namespace]( in the first place, the uidmap error should not occur. (I guess so far...

As a workaround to escape the Tekton expression I tried to define a `dollar` parameter within the Tekton Task and give it a default value of `$` and then substitute...

@jmorsecode thanks for creating the issue! > The phrasing here implies this is optional but not a khelm default. Right, it is optional since khelm allows you to use any...

I just realize that using the sealed-secrets controller in addition to [KSOPS]( makes your setup more complex which I understand nobody wants. I didn't know that tool. Though, since khelm...

Adding a field to the generator config / `generator.yaml` to specify a custom `repositories.yaml` location would conflict with the requirement to let the file represent an allowlist of repositories a...

I realized option 1 would also allow usage of overlayfs / [containers/storage]( ... EDIT: but obviously `user.rootlesscontainers` xattr still needs to be mapped and apparently overlayfs is not available for...

I realize that `v*` tags can be ignored by configuring `tag.filter=v*.*.*` :sweat_smile:.

Wouldn't it make sense to make that the default?

Oh, that's a pity! Alternatively, can we not simply add an additional `spotify_id` field and make the `beet spotify` command establish the association based on that new ID field, accepting...

The AURA API looks interesting but it doesn't expose playlists either, does it?