Merdan Gochmuradov

Results 8 comments of Merdan Gochmuradov

Here is a good post to start with: [Separating code and presentation of Blazor pages](

Also, the Blazor page should fire `StateHasChanged()` on view models' `INotifyPropertyChanged` event. See [SO answer]( for more details

Blazor WebAssembly is going to be released soon (May 2020). Are there any updates on MvvmCross for Blazor?

I had the same problem on Windows, I guess this is because of the line ending on windows. Workaround: Recreate this file with the same content with Linux (WSL)

I end up manually creating this stub exe file, copied it from another installation, renamed it, put it in a folder "Starter" And manually copying it when application is started,...

No it is not triggered. `CanExecute` is being called only once, when the application starts, and never again.

It seems that this issue is related to `CommandManager`. Have a look at [this post](, and it's [source code]( From the code above, I have created a custom [Command]( with...

As a workaround, registered following at `DoSetup` ```cs Mvx.RegisterType(); ``` simple command helper code ```cs public class MvxWpfCommandHelper : IMvxCommandHelper { public event EventHandler CanExecuteChanged { add { CommandManager.RequerySuggested +=...