Marta Gómez Macías

Results 24 comments of Marta Gómez Macías

Do you have C++ 14.0 or greater installed? I see this error message on the output you shared: ``` error: Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 or greater is required. Get it...

Hello @israel9905, Can you post the exact commands you were using? Providing more details to replicate the problem would be very helpful for us. Thanks! Regards, Marta

Hello @israel9905, vt-cli uses vt-go under the hood, which communicates with our API by setting a [`Accept-Encoding: gzip` header]( and golang's [`gzip` library to decompress]( the response. Are you able...

Hello @israel9905, The command client you're using does requests to VirusTotal and expects the response in gzip format. I asked you to test golang's gzip example to check if there's...

Hello @israel9905, Let's change the direction of the troubleshooting. Execute the following commands on your kali: ```shellsession ┌──(root㉿ca8358c70858)-[/] └─# curl -o -L % Total % Received % Xferd...

Hello @israel9905, I followed the exact same steps on this docker image: I needed the following additional steps to install dependencies: ```shellsession ┌──(root㉿98876253b324)-[/] └─# apt update && apt install...

Hello @eldar4ikyt, Can you share your `go env`? Adding your `$GOBIN` to your path should fix the issue: ```shellsession root@a7197fdf3d55:/vt-cli# go env GOPATH /root/go root@a7197fdf3d55:/vt-cli# go env GOBIN root@a7197fdf3d55:/vt-cli# export...

Hello @eldar4ikyt, Any updates on this? Can we close this issue? Regards, Marta

Hello @timiuaaa, Does your user have writing permissions on the `/etc/bash_completion` directory? You can check using `ls -l`. If your user does not have writing permissions, use `chmod +w` to...

You can set the variable when running the command, like this: ```shellsession $ GOBIN=`go env GOPATH`/bin vt completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/vt ```