I fixed this by creating the function myself, here it is the code below: ``` string uAnsi2Unicode(int ptrStringMemory) { int szString = lstrlenA(ptrStringMemory); uchar ucValue[]; ArrayResize(ucValue, szString + 1); RtlMoveMemory(ucValue,...
Those appear because you dont have those files on the libraries folder.
try to use the mql4zmq.mq4 here: it doesnt need all those libraries. But it gives me .dll errors on libzmq.dll. Give feedback if you can make it work with...
Opentrading: I understood how your code fixed the AnsiToUnicode problem of Mql4 language update. But now all the messages i send with zeromq to my subscriber are going empty, I...
I also fixed the empty message problem, i just had to upgrade to the last zeromq version
Hi did you solved your problem? I have the same issue