os-fileup icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
os-fileup copied to clipboard

Helper app to understand how to upload files and do basic image/video processing in hybrid android apps.

Results 10 os-fileup issues
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Upload image with take photo not working in android 11


Since Android 11 (API 30) is now the target API version for the Google Play store, some work is going to need to be done to allow saving images to...


Sometimes, when not taking a picture using this library, opening up the camera in an app may sometimes cause it to create a blank image that has no size. An...

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https://youtu.be/TNzm5u6DUT0 android version 10 android api 29

If allow both ACTION_VIDEO_CAPTURE and ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE cam_file_data pick mp4 always if we select photo on second time means cam_file_data value not updated as selection and pick from chooser

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Hi, I have two questions: 1) In the method create_image(), I don't want to store the image taken by camera to external storage, for that I changed storage directory to...


How I can resize image before upload?

help wanted

How do I enable only the camera's photo option, without enabling the file upload option. **Image**: https://prnt.sc/nowdli

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When I select image from gallery, it works fine but when I select camera option, after taking picture and pressing ok, app crashes, I traced the issue to intent being...


HI there! When I select an image from the gallery, i can see the preview image (thumbnail) on my website. However, when I take a picture with the camera, the...

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