Mike Gifford

Results 266 comments of Mike Gifford

@melindaburgess Do the pages exist now? What URLs should they have?

What if the comparison were just in a single window like this: ``` ``` We could add some JavaScript to start to highlight things where there are differences between them....

Have a very basic model of this up and running now on the [draft website](https://rawcdn.githack.com/GSA/openacr-website/1c1aee08c5d0dc09bc4c973d40466a06c83f21bd/openacr/comparison.html) - [EDIT: URL Updated to use Githack]

Any comparison should focus on supporting procurement officers to have a better understanding of the context. Simply having more or less errors in an ACR is insufficient to determine if...

See https://github.com/GSA/Section508.gov/pull/229

See https://github.com/GSA/Section508.gov/pull/229

@dmundra I think you've done 1&2 here and will be working on 3, right?

Yes.. I think this makes sense. Seems to be very common for this to be undocumented. Might be easier to introduce into the editor first. Also, having notes with ""...

Great comments @mitchellevan We aren't requiring comments in OpenACR yet, but thinking about future use cases. It may in fact be preferable to simply continue provide warnings like we presently...

A machine readable version of these is available here https://github.com/CivicActions/accessibility-data-reference