Mike Gifford

Results 266 comments of Mike Gifford

Ok, great! Do you know if there was any consideration of adding any ARIA to this? Maybe the Alert role: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Accessibility/ARIA/Roles/Alert_Role This might be useful for Danger warnings. It just...

Worth checking out Carie Fisher's work on SVGs https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2020/03/accessible-svgs-inclusiveness-beyond-patterns/ There are lots of ways to make SVG's more accessible. ARIA is powerful, but when used incorrectly actually reduces accessibility. ARIA...

Thanks for the encouragement @dcantatore I can't put time into this project at the moment. Just wanted to flag it as something that should be addressed.

Thanks for this @joedolson Select2 has a lot of fans in the Drupal world too and we'd love to see it in Core. https://www.drupal.org/node/2346973 Thanks for publishing your results!

Those are definitely good links from @joedolson but there's a lot that can be done before getting to screen reader testing. It would be useful to start with the example...

Thanks @kevin-brown I don't have any specifics to offer to you, but there are some examples of similar tools. jQuery-UI's autocomplete has been a good example (if a bit limited)....

I assume that nobody has put any time into developing this in the last year.

NP @RdkLwg - also worth looking at https://www.ibm.com/able/toolkit/ I think there will be more open source accessibility engines folks might want to use.

GatsbyJS has made a great commitment to accessibility. Might be worth checking them out @ankx06

I doubt it.. This isn't something you can just "turn on".