Mehdi Gholam

Results 59 comments of Mehdi Gholam

May be slow reflection, but that would destroy performance (may be not an issue on those platforms) and would mean rewriting and testing on those platforms which is not a...

I'm tinkering with .net core... so stay tuned!

The files are on whatever path you used in `RaptorDB.Open()`. Just search your hard drive for the `DataHF` folder.

I have no idea what it is, so I can't say.

It seems a UI thing for generating queries to run.

It seems to work correctly with the sample app and data, and yes it should include key1,key2 and exclude key3. Make sure you are on the latest build.

Ah yes! `hOOt` needs some love, I'm trying to free some time for it.

They are two different things, hOOt can be compared with lucene engine in elastic (although it has less functionality than lucene).

Cheers Per! I think what you are asking is specific to yourself and bear in mind that if you delete the files on the workstation the files on the "Server"...