Mehdi Gholam

Results 59 comments of Mehdi Gholam

Thanks but it will break existing use of `RegisterCustomType()`

Try : ``` ( JSON.Parse(sJson) as Dictionary) ["data"].Count // in c# ```

Can you provide an example of what you mean?

`JSON.Parse()` does not process the self referencing `$i` properties (which would require type information), so what you are asking does not work with your type of json data. The only...

Is the year, month, day...seconds the same?

If you add the following: ```c# Console.WriteLine(m.LogUtcTime); Console.WriteLine(gBack.LogUtcTime); ``` You will get : ``` 2021-12-26 15:42:12 2021-12-26 15:42:12 ``` Which shows the dates are the same, however the objects will...

My results ``` ***** tests.aaaaaaa Source:2021-12-29 06:15:41 JsonText: {"$types":{"tests+Model, UnitTests, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null":"1"},"$type":"1","ID":100,"UtcTime":"2021-12-29T06:15:41Z"} GetBack:2021-12-29 06:15:41 ```

also ```c# var jsonText = fastJSON.JSON.ToJSON(model, new JSONParameters { UseUTCDateTime =true}); var gBack = fastJSON.JSON.ToObject(jsonText , new JSONParameters { UseUTCDateTime=true}); ```