Under Android, even when using Strategy.Wi_Fi_P2P, nearby_connections receives Bluetooth connection change callbacks from non-P2P devices, causing it to erroneously drop connections. In our case it is a Bluetooth low-energy device...
I have a device with 2 write buffers, denoted by 2 characteristics with the same UUID. I created 2 characteristics with that UUID. Writing to the first characteristic writes to...
Because logger_flutter >=0.7.0 depends on logger ^0.7.0 and XXX depends on logger ^1.1.0, logger_flutter >=0.7.0 is forbidden.
Received this when calling captureFromWidget(), why? Exception has occurred. FlutterError (View.of() was called with a context that does not contain a View widget. No View widget ancestor could be found...
NSNetServiceBrowser did not search with error dict [{ NSNetServicesErrorCode = "-72008"; NSNetServicesErrorDomain = 10; }].
I have a device with multiple characteristics that share the same UUID. With FlutterBlue they write to the same buffer on the device instead of independent buffers. With native iOS...
Would love the ability to password-protect the zip archives I create.
Updated to the latest flutter, example app no longer builds: > Build failed due to use of deleted Android v1 embedding. [✓] Flutter (Channel stable, 3.24.1, on macOS 14.1.1 23B81...
Cannot load module 'Mapper' built with SDK 'iphoneos17.2' when using SDK 'iphoneos18.2': .../Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/ModelMapper/Mapper.framework/Modules/Mapper.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios.swiftmodule