Marcelo Galigniana

Results 3 issues of Marcelo Galigniana

[Ticket]( First, thank you Mariusz for **Cc**me in this ticket! In this PR I apply your suggestion of > we should enforce clearing checkboxes, instead of highlighting rows on Chrome....

Hi! It fixes [ticket 12090]( - **New discussion thread**: - When `save_on_top` is `True` looks like: ![image]( - To run tests please do: `./ admin_views.test_actions.AdminDetailActionsTest`

Hello! In this PR I try fix the issue Doesn't fail when one of these middlewares are not present: ``` 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware', 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware', 'django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware' ``` and if `SILKY_AUTHENTICATION` is `True`,...