Farrukh Subhani
Farrukh Subhani
A +icon with a lock on it is better than a document icon with a lock on it next to a + icon.
Can we cache a menu based on a role from asp.net identity or a particular area in mvc.
Same here. Was able to see a folder creation failed on ftp action but the action was marked as successful in github workflow so reports came through as completed successful...
Creating an issue with reference to line numbers also bring in HTML table code which can be rendered rather than showing HTML code. Seems relative to #41
Can you provide a usecase or example on jsfiddle to test this and I may be able to look at https://github.com/gharibi/JsObjExporter/blob/master/src/js/xls.js#L17 and see if base64 can be replaced with unit8array...
Is it worth looking into https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WindowEventHandlers/onbeforeprint to change title before print and then move it back to what it was after print has happened.
Agree that this action is intended for file used by github to create your profile. HTML format for global might be needed in some cases but the approach seems too...
No we are using firebasex plugin instead.
on a fresh installation Version: 1.40.1 (user setup) Commit: 3a32679ab590c1023ab4de6f191769e7e127d25b Date: 2022-11-22T18:30:25.850Z VS Code: 1.67.0 Electron: 17.4.11 Chromium: 98.0.4758.141 Node.js: 16.13.0 V8: OS: Windows_NT x64 10.0.19044 I clicked on...