Maximilian Franzke

Results 80 comments of Maximilian Franzke

@cyberdelphos, thanks a lot for your feedback. I'm not that fit in react - do you have the chance to prepare a [JS Bin](,[ JSFiddle]( or similar test environment where...

Thanks a lot @oyeharry, you‘re solution looks quite nice (from my limited knowledge about React).

@oyeharry sounds good to me, thanks a lot for your support ! From my point of view there‘s nothing that I remember that could be beneficial to get executed on...

Thanks for your question. One of my most beloved sentences is „Technology is magic.“ But this doesn‘t relate to this piece of art. You‘re perfectly right that in general the...

> Thanks for the explanatation. I wonder if there is a way of using service workers to intercept requests to images and stop them from being downloaded unless they are...

@garygreen thanks again for bringing up your idea with ServiceWorkers - it sadly took a lot of time due to several reasons to come up with a PoC and an...

@garygreen I've made it to a very [first beta version of that approach]( – I'll update the README to meet the relevant installation and setup and will let you know...

@bunch-of-fluff , thanks a lot for your feedback. Do you experience the same on the demo page as well ?

@JoshSalway, thanks for your feedback. Have you scrolled down to the bottom of the page ? I‘ve just tested it on iOS 14.6 and it works on that environment: ![1419EC43-BBA3-4301-A00D-028E30277392](

Hi @fredrelv, I'm testing for elements that appear on hover in my implementation with `hoverSelector` successfully - could you please provide more information on your setup, or some other way...