Mehmet Fide
Mehmet Fide
Hi, I want to create a local network between my iPad and Embedded Linux Platform over the USB connection. I have added all libimobiledevice and dependent recipes using yocto, they...
Hi, I have installed this tool into my embedded linux platform and I could share my phone's internet with it over the USB cable. (by enabling hot spot) But what...
Can it be? Thank you.
Hello, I was using triplet loss function from `tensorflow_addons.losses.TripletSemiHardLoss(margin=1.0)` to train my model using following line: `tsn.compile(optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(0.0001), loss=tfa.losses.TripletSemiHardLoss(margin=1.0)) ` Any example or idea how to replace this loss function with...
Hello, Thank you for this great tool. I started using duplicati almost a month ago to automate the backup requirements of my dedicated server in US . The server runs...
I have netclient v0.24.2 runs on Ubuntu 24.04 server. When I run `systemd-analyze blame` to see the slowest services in my system, I get following list: ``` 17.069s netclient.service 7.630s...