Michael Fessenden

Results 19 comments of Michael Fessenden

Wow, that is significant. Out of curiosity, what are your map stats (map size, tile size, # of animated objects)? I haven't seen performance drops on this end, but I...

There are new options for tailoring performance in the 1.2 release. I'm still updating the docs, but tilemap node now has a propery [`updateMode`][tile-rendering-url] that controls how tiles are rendered:...

Is there any code that you can share that illustrates what's happening? I'm not able to reproduce that here with the devices I'm testing on.

I've not tried using this with an Objective-C project; I'll look into seeing if I need an umbrella header.

Apologies for the late reply, I'm traveling in Asia until the end of March with no laptop. The debugging methods have been long needing some love, so I'll take a...

What you'll need to do is query a tile from its parent layer and set a new texture: ```swift if let tile = tileLayer.tileAt(1, 12) { // create a new...

Is this running in the simulator, or the hardware itself?

Looks like I need to rework the `TiledLayerObject.coordinateForPoint` method. The reason for this is because of the difference in coordinate systems between SpriteKit and Tiled. Internally, the conversion between screen...

Apologies for the late reply. That method is a leftover from a really old feature request. The idea was to allow users bypass Apple's clunky sks editor and quickly prototype...

I haven't implemented anything to automatically limit panning because that will be very specific to your game, but check out the included [`SKTiledSceneCameraDelegate`][sktiledscenecameradelagate-url] protocol - it will update delegates when...