Adding HTML nodeType 11 (Document Fragment) to the allowed node types for `ko.applyBindings` allows knockout to operate on Shadow DOM Root nodes
People who know other languages almost always have the same kind of questions about why Elm chooses to do stuff in specific - usually uncommon - ways. It might be...
Independent of network, browser and machine I am presented with a `Failed to fetch content from reddit` every single time I visit elm-news. Thanks for the site, I'd appreciate that...
Just wanted to point out that the link is broken. I'm not sure what's the best practice for referencing documentation on github, I opted for an absolute link. Keep up...
I've just been fiddling around with `stylish-elephants` and one thing I noticed is that the created styles would easily collide with foreign CSS on the page. It'd get even worse...
Hi there, I was just wondering if this package will be published for Elm 0.19. If not I'll probably fork and publish this way, although I'd prefer not to :-)