
Results 8 issues of Marc

I'm looking at using worker-pod-autoscaler as a means to scale our application based on an SQS queue. Overall it's been working well, indeed it behaves exactly as described in the...


### What happened? claim ```yaml apiVersion: crossplane.example/v1alpha1 kind: MarcQueue metadata: name: marctest labels: marc: test annotations: marctest spec: parameters: tags: managed_by: crossplane foo: bar writeConnectionSecretToRef: name: marctest-queue ``` xrd...


**Describe what happened:** I've successfully created a Monitor with the following manifest: ``` apiVersion: kind: DatadogMonitor metadata: name: hello-world-web namespace: hello-world spec: query: "avg(last_5m):avg:kubernetes_state.hpa.desired_replicas{hpa:hello-world-web,kube_namespace:hello-world} / avg:kubernetes_state.hpa.max_replicas{hpa:hello-world-web,kube_namespace:hello-world} >= 1" type:...

The `kubeflow-kubernetes-edit` ClusterRole, that originated in provides a very broad set of RBAC permissions. I get the impression that it's basically the standard K8S "edit" role with some additional...

I've just come across this Operator and am interested in trying out. One thing I can't see is how/if this would work alongside HorizontalPodAutoscaler. It appears that the Controller maintains...

I am running the maildown command line on a ec2 instance with an attached role. This means I don't have any `AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID` or `AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY` variables set, neither do I have...

This change adds a Parameter for setting the ASG Termination Policies, with defaults to keep it backward-compatible. FWIW, our particular use case for this is so we can proritise the...

I see the PPA doesn't yet have a release file for Ubuntu 20.04. Any chance this will be updated soon? Thanks.