I'm planning on updating it based on the recent changes but work is really slow right now, if you manage to hack some parts and want to share that with...
Try having a look over this Looks like you need to add an additional header to the request
Ola, last time i checked skype.setVisibility(Visibility.ONLINE) was no longer working. Everything else works, but after some time messages no longer come in due to the issue i submitted
@amitguptagwl did you mange to find a way to use this?
@jarble Any idea what's causing this? Thanks:d
Any idea why this is happening?
It looks like the issue comes from something inside selendroid standalone.
@asm89 can you please have a look at this, and let me know if i can help with any other info?
Can anyone help with this?
It looks like the issue is actually caused by selenium, after building selendroid with the latest selenium release I was able to reproduce the issues. I was unable to find...