Sean Duncan

Results 28 issues of Sean Duncan

(A) I can't believe that I _just_ stumbled across this! (B) Is there a way to manage multiple versions of the same package manager, ala [nvm for npm]( This is...

🎁 feature request
📦 manager: mpm
🙏 help wanted

Per [Teque5]('s [font testing and ranking in the 3d printing realm](, it'd be good to see the following fonts added: - [osifont]( - apparently conforms to IS0 specification 3O98, which...

I'd love to be able to use Klipse with gitlab snippets! Depending on how integrated github-specific code is, I might be able to help with this. Can you provide an...

@oswaldoacauan - First, thank you for such an awesome design! Maxime Gréau ported it over for [HubPress](, where I'm using it for my blog. In trying to customize it, I...

I'd love to have the option of opening the Tabby view in a new window/tab of it's own or to have the option to change the pop-up size to the...


When submitting a new project for consideration ( there is a list of predefined labels. We use a different labeling convention so NONE of those labels work for us; having...

help wanted

The Foundations: Functions section makes a lot of references to types and assumptions about the reader's knowledge of types. A short section before this point would be appropriate to introduce...

_Feature Request_ It could actually be useful to see the values that contribute to each package's rating in the npmsearch results. For example, hovering over the package's rating could show...

- [ ] 1. On , what is the "ect" in `{obj:'ect'}`?

As of this issue's creation, the current version of most major browsers fully support css-grid ([ 2017-07-07]). The exceptions are IE & Edge with only partial support, and no support...