Yuri Govorushchenko

Results 24 issues of Yuri Govorushchenko

I suppose the project is no longer actively developed but I'd like to submit the idea, just in case. For scripting (e.g. on CI server) it would be great to...

It looks like the library has no way to set custom network timeouts on `capture` and by default no timeouts are set by the underlying HTTP lib. In theory, it...

I'm trying to use `figwheel-main` to produce the final minified js file and can't find the way to fail the build in case JS warnings are detected: ``` 2019-02-19 00:40:33.016:INFO::main:...


**Actual** Safari fires popstate event on initial page load. So the Html5History event callback is triggered twice leading to potential issues. **Expected** It would be great if Closure lib ignored...

P3 - PRs Only

Lumo v1.10.1. **Steps** (based on https://dev.clojure.org/jira/browse/CLJS-2913?focusedCommentId=50751): Execute in Lumo: ```clj (require '[cljs.spec.alpha :as s]) (require '[cljs.spec.test.alpha :as st]) ;; instrumenting a function (s/fdef foobar :args (s/cat :x int?)) (defn foobar...

help wanted

It could be convenient to have some key combo (e.g. `Option+Up` on MacOS) which would copy-paste the last submitted string (i.e. everything typed before last `Enter`): ``` cljs.user=> [123 #_=>...

## Library Version(s) 2.0.0-alpha29 ## Problem I pass record instances using `transit+json` format to `api` POST handler. It works fine when used with `:body`. But when `:body-params` is used: record...

## Library Version(s) 2.0.0-alpha29 ## Problem I need to redefine `spec-tools.visitor/visit` for my custom spec to change how spec is shown in Swagger UI. E.g. I have `closed-keys` custom spec,...

## Expected behavior There's no delay on exit. ## Actual behavior App waits for 1 minute before exiting. ## Steps to reproduce the problem Require `nrepl.server` ns and exit the...


The official guide could be enhanced with some mentions of `:identifiers` and `:as-rows?`. Specifically, I recall I spent some time before I figured out how to "kebab-case-keyword"-ize the fetched results...
