cesar verastegui

Results 13 comments of cesar verastegui

did you belive that i need to downgrade my macos to 13.6? i think to downgrade only my xcode to 14.3, only i downloaded xcode and i think to do...

do you try with xcode 15.1 beta? the latest beta.

do you search any forks of this project? i see one fork that was updated 1 week ago. i see that modified te soundcontroller.m in ios src directory. 2024-01-08 8:34...

aditionally i found a way to open xcode 14 in macos in stackoverflow. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/76958016/is-there-a-way-to-run-xcode-14-on-macos-sonoma do you tried it?

what cordova version do you use? sorry, my english is so bad.

my theme is in www/sounds, so i wrote new media("/sounds/theme.mp3") but i don't get sound. this is the correct sintax? or "/assets/www/sounds/theme.mp3"

can you giveme one example please? i'm use cordova 12.0, maybe do you use cordova 11.1? please tellme. any information can helpme.

getaccetpath is a cordova function or is your function. i'm using all that your say and not working. this is in my index.js then of deviceready. function playAudio(src) { musica...

can you test my code in one of your projects? only a test? i write the other params one for succes, error, and waths append when the music stops. do...

one thing that i see is that event.setVolume(0.9); now is an int. but before this property i had to write like a string. example event.setVolume("0.9"); wath is the correct way...