Michele Cattafesta
Michele Cattafesta
You have to call AddTag before using it. See the [example ](https://github.com/mesta1/libplctag-csharp/blob/master/LgxSimple/Program.cs) ``` client.AddTag(tag); /* let the connect succeed we hope */ while (client.GetStatus(tag) == Libplctag.PLCTAG_STATUS_PENDING) { Thread.Sleep(100); } ```
You should use this Tag constructor and adapt it to Plc5 `var tag = new Tag("", CpuType.SLC, "B3:0", DataType.Int16, 1);`
Can you post the updated code ? Also if you write string name = "F8:1"; instead of "F8:01" does it work ? I suspect there is a problem with the...
I forgot to push the example. Check it here: https://github.com/mesta1/libplctag-csharp/blob/master/Slc500Strings/Program.cs You can read maximum 1 string per request, so don't try to increase the element count, it will not work.
Hi, I'm not actively maintaining this repository. There is an official wrapper for .Net, you should use https://github.com/libplctag/libplctag.NET It's not that different from this one and the last time I...
You have two options: 1) copy-paste the entire xaml and play with the radius. 2) embed it in a viewbox and play with fonts